Peaceful Pets Services
July 21, 2022
A year ago today I had to say my hardest goodbye ever. I couldn’t do a memorial then because it was just too raw and painful. Even now,  typing this the tears are streaming down my face.
I miss you so much Ru, and I think of you every single day. I miss our walks, your snuggles, and your quirky ways. I miss you waking me up in the mornings, I miss the sound of your dog tag clinking on your bowl when you ate or drank. I miss being greeted by you every time I walk in the door, and your wagging, but lethal tail. I miss our trips to In n Out to buy you a puppy patty, and our truck rides to random destinations. I miss seeing you sprawled out on the couch in the most bizarre ways, and the way you used to sit on the stairs. I miss how when I’d tell you to speak you did a cute little jump with your front feet. I miss how you were part of girls night on a Wednesday.Â
I miss everything about you, that’s why it’s still so hard a year on. You were one of the sweetest dogs and definitely my heart dog. I loved you so much, and will love you and miss you for the rest of my life.
Always my sweet girlÂ